How to Start Your Cannabis Plant Grow Outdoors

It is fun to grow marijuana indoors and outdoors. It can be time-consuming and difficult, so patience and effort are essential.

We will guide you through each step of the growing process from seed germination to harvesting and plant growth. We will also discuss common problems and recommend best practices.

The plant was banned for many years, so much information regarding its cultivation was passed down through word-of-mouth. There are many myths and traditions surrounding marijuana cultivation. It can be hard to tell the difference between sound, good advice and rumor.

It was also prohibited. There is plenty of literature about indoor cultivation, maximising harvests, and training plants for the best use of limited space.

Origins of Cannabis

Marijuana has been used in many different ways for millennia. As early as 2737 B.C., the Chinese Emperor Shen Neng prescribed marijuana tea for various ailments. The origins of cannabis use in modern times can be traced back more recently to Columbus, who brought the Cannabis plant to the New World to cultivate it as a cash crop – hemp (1).

Anatomy and Treatment of Marijuana Plant


First, it is important to know that there are three types of cannabis plants: male, female, or hermaphrodite. Every plant has either male or female reproductive parts.

The female cannabis plants produce the “buds” or flowers. They must be pollinated with a male cannabis plant in order to create seeds.

If female plants are not given pollen from their male counterparts, they produce larger, more fatter buds without seeds. These are also known as “sinsemilla”, which is Spanish for “no seeds” and are most commonly found in dispensaries, retailers and home-grown yields (6).

Female Cannabis Plants

Female cannabis plants produce inflorescences, which are clusters of miniature flowers or “buds”. These buds contain the highest levels of cannabinoids. This is why gardeners focus all their efforts on getting the biggest and most frostiest buds.

Pre-flowers begin to show sex around week 4-6 after they are planted. Pre-flowers of female cannabis plants have the appearance and color of a pair white hairs. The plant’s female reproductive structures are called “hairs” and are where the seeds are made.

Marijuana Plants: Male vs. Female

Cannabis is a dioecious species. If you don’t know much about cannabis biology, this means that the plant can be male or female with separate reproductive organs. You’ll find the female bud if you take a look at your stash.

Male plants produce pollen sacs at the base of their leaves. Female plants produce resin-secreting flowers, which are cut down into the buds that you inhale (6). The male plants pollinate the female plants for seed production. However, the buds we eat are made from “sinsemilla” (seedless female plants).

The pistil (4) is found in the female plant. The pistil is the flower’s reproductive part. The pistil’s hair-like, stigma-like threads are what the stigmas are. Stigmas are used to capture pollen from males.

Growers can ensure that their plants are sexually active by creating clones from the parent strain or genetically identical clippings. A unique breeding process can also produce feminized seeds.

Parts from the Plant


The fruits of your labor are often called “buds” or “buds”. They are high in cannabinoids, terpenes and other compounds that can give you a high or offer health benefits. The buds are dried before they can be smoked.


Your plant’s backbone. The stem provides structure and support. The stem is usually topped after five nodes. This encourages the plant to spread laterally and create more buds.


The main stem supports fan leaves and buds by allowing branches to grow from it. Top growers recommend that you prune the top branches to increase the number and quality of bud sites.


From the main stalk, the roots of the plant grow into the soil. The “taproot” is the primary root of a cannabis plant that grows from a seeds. It draws water and oxygen into the plants roots so they can grow strong and healthy.


The seeds are produced by female cannabis plants. They contain both male and female DNA. To germinate, seeds must germinate. Once they sprout, taproots will form, which will be the main root of the plant.

Regular Cannabis Seeds

One of the easiest and most popular ways to grow marijuana plants is from regular Cannabis seeds. Regular Cannabis seeds are simpler to obtain and more affordable than feminized. The problem is that you won’t know which sex you will plant until your reproductive parts begin growing. It’s a risk.

Feminized Cannabis seeds

Many growers buy sexy Cannabis seeds to start their crops, knowing they will only be growing female plants. This is a great way to save money and to avoid waiting for the normal seed to show its sexuality. Feminized cannabis seeds will only produce female plants.

Growing your own marijuana outdoors

Some users prefer marijuana grown outdoors and exposed to full sunlight. We get that. Artificial lighting doesn’t produce the same amount of cannabinoids or terpenes that natural lighting.

It is a good idea to be familiar with the climate of the area where you will grow cannabis. Cannabis is adaptable to many environments but it can also be affected by harsh weather.


Cannabis plants need at least six hours of direct sunlight each day. If your backyard is not well lit, you may find it difficult to grow cannabis plants.


It is important to understand the climate of the area where you will be growing. It is very sensitive to extreme weather conditions. Cannabis can adapt to almost any environment, but is more sensitive to extreme weather.

Ideal temperatures for vegetative states are between 68 and 77 degrees F. For flowering, temperatures should be between 65 and 85 degrees F (3).

Mold and powdery mildew can result from excess moisture. This is something you don’t want to inhale. High winds and heavy rains can also cause damage to plants, limiting yields.


Cannabis requires more nutrients than other plants in your garden. Quality care is essential for a high-quality bud.

High quality soil has enough nutrients to help your cannabis plant get started. You might have to replenish some nutrients as your cannabis plant grows and becomes flowering. Additional fertilizers are your friend at this stage.

The three most important nutrients in marijuana cultivation are nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus (2).

Growing Medium

Although soil is the most common growing medium, there are many options available such as coir or hydroponics. The primary functions and requirements of a growth medium are to provide support for the plant, encourage root respiration, and make it available with water and nutrients.

As long as your roots have adequate space, enough water, good aeration and nutrients, your plant will grow steadily and healthy. Your cannabis may not reach its full potential if one of these elements is missing.

Ideal Conditions

The best soil for cannabis plants is between 6.0 to 6.5 pH. It should be rich in organic material and well-drained (2). Outdoor growers either fill a hole with soil and plant their cannabis in pots or dig it up. This will allow you to control the growth media and nutrients that your plants receive.


Your cannabis plant needs water just like any other living organism. A plant’s water requirements are largely determined by its container size, soil type, size, and other environmental factors like weather and intensity.

The amount of water required for plants changes throughout their life cycle. In hot climates, larger plants require more water than those in cooler climates.

We recommend watering your marijuana plants by hand. This allows you to familiarize yourself with each strain’s needs and give each plant the right amount of water. When you don’t have the time or space to water your plants, irrigation systems can be very useful.


Cannabis can be grown outdoors for thousands upon thousands of years. However, before you start to plant your seedlings, it is important to understand the process and how to get maximum benefit. This will help you get started on your cannabis-growing journey.

Top-quality seeds are essential to ensure a great start. Your efforts won’t be worth much if your seeds don’t get primed at the end. It is better to not waste your time and a whole harvesting season.

We recommend that you check out the I49 catalogue. The large seed bank offers something to suit all tastes and growing conditions. There are many cannabis seeds available that will suit your needs, as well as your smoking preferences.

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